Monday, April 25, 2011

Dogs 4 Dogs- Saintly Bernards Fundraiser

Come one, Come all!

On April 14, 2011, Alliance Bank of Springfield, hosted a Dogs 4 Dogs hot dog sale, benefiting Saintly Bernards Rescue. Alliance Bank branch manager, Fran McDaniel, organized the event, providing lunch to the community, with an opportunity to meet some Saintly Saints and give back!


Saintly Bernards Rescue is a division of Saint Bernard Rescue Organization, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to placing solid temperament Saint Bernards in loving homes, providing them with a well deserved second chance.


The founder of Saintly Bernards Rescue, Jamie Byrnes, began rescuing Saint Bernard dogs over ten years ago. As a child, she was raised with dogs, and dreamed of one day having her own big, fluffy Saint Bernard. Zeus, her first Saint Bernard, was an abused, neglected and abandoned. He was dirty, fearful and unwanted at the shelter. Jamie, saw a diamond in the rough. Zeus was rehabilitated with time, determination and lots of unconditional love. Zeus changed her life and Jamie changed Zeus’s life.

Jake & Michael

5 years ago Jamie founded Saintly Bernards Rescue. She wanted to make a small difference in this world, helping leave their past lives behind and making each new day count. Saintly Bernard’s Rescue now helps Saint Bernards in need in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Ohio. Their program enables dogs to live in a home environment, where they are thoroughly temperament tested and evaluated. Once they become settled, they are rehabilitated through training, proper nutrition, vetting and TLC. They get the time and love needed to prepare them for a journey to a new and improved life.


Jamie prides herself on proper placements, putting people and animals as the first and foremost concern. She is an advocate and she is an educator. She, herself, is a Saint.

The Saint Lady and Her Saints

The event was a success, due to the Delaware County Community involvement. Volunteers, Kandice Bross, Dale O’Brien and Michael Pastorius came out to help handle dogs, promote Saintly Bernards and photograph the event. Brenda Steinman, Fran McDaniel, Lisa Kiesel and Steve Stewart of Alliance Bank also dedicated their time and energy to make the Dogs 4 Dogs event a true accomplishment!

Auggie & Bea Love the Kids!

Mr.Augustus the great attended his first event as a member of the Saintly Saints Working crew, wowed the children. Beatrice, rather known as Bea, gave out kisses and lots of love with her sweet endearing eyes. Angus mainly laid on his back getting belly rubs from whoever would give them out! Boz waited patiently for a hot dog to fall. Moses and Sarge sat with their paws crossed gracefully. Jake made friends and gave out big slobbery wet kisses! The Saintly Saint working crew really WOWed the crowd. And to think- at one point- each  of these dogs found themselves homeless, neglected, abused and abandoned. And now- bring smiles to many faces and do not hold a grudge!

Bosworth-The Saint Wannabe

Donations go directly to helping provide incoming Saint Bernards with proper vetting, medication, nutrition, training and grooming. Interested in helping? Please visit

Thank you Alliance Bank!

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up Kandice! Wish Paul and I could have been there to help - we need to find a Saturday event!
