Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pebbles (aka Mary Rose)-ADOPTED!

MISS Pebbles is already adopted and settling beautifully into her forever family with her Saint Bernard Brother and Committed Family!

Tulip Part Deux

Tuli at Belmar, NJ beach

So, we have now had Tuli for about a month. All that hard work- PAID OFF! Tuli is house trained, super social, beyond sweet, knows basic commands, walk nicely on a leash, only chews her toys and is a little slice of heaven. She has had adventures to the mountains  and to the beach. She is adaptable to new environments and trusts life. She has blossomed into a stunning and fabulous young lady!!

Tuli & Quincy relaxing at Silver Lake

BUT, this does not diminish the ground work that is needed for a puppy. Establishing rules is so important. Finding the right schedule. Pushing your puppy to always be better. This is ongoing. Although it is imperative to help her blossom young, you must continue to see improvement and grow. Saint Bernards are working dogs and LIKE to work. Tuli likes to carry a toy, a stick or a pine cone in her mouth during her walks. She walks proud as if she is making the biggest difference in the world. She is a WORKING dog and LOVES to work. She loves to please and hates to disapoint.

Tulip and her flowers!

Tuli is gentle and kind, but still full of energy. After a night in the crate, she is wound up like an 8 day clock. She enjoys her morning walks, where she works for her food. When she gets home she lays down and waits patiently for her reward! She eats slow and gentle. Typicaly after her breakfast routine, she loves to take a nap, while foster mom gets ready! Then a potty break. Some play time in the yard. And back to puppy naps. Same routine for lunch and for dinner!! What a day! Also, throw in some dog park romps and bone chewing time! It is not an easy schedule, but it works. She passes out at bed time fulfilled!

LOVES the dog park!!
As Tuli begins her journey through life, we know that we helped set her up for SUCCESS! My husband, my crew and I have been consistent and know that she going to be an amazing Saint in this world! Welcome Miss Tulip, future Saint Bernard Ambassador!